A profile of exposure to intimate partner violence investigations in the Canadian child welfare system: An examination using the 2008 Canadian Incidence Study of Reported Child Abuse and Neglect (CIS-2008)

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International Journal of Child and Adolescent Resilience, 1(1), 60-73.

Intimate partner violence (IPV) is a central focus in the Canadian child welfare system. Using the Canadian Incidence Study (CIS)-2008 this study provides a profile of IPV investigations substantiated by child welfare organizations. Findings indicate that 41% of substantiations involved IPV (31% involved IPV as the only form of maltreatment and 10% involved IPV with co-occurring forms of maltreatment). Child functioning concerns were noted less frequently in investigations of a single form of IPV than in investigations with co-occurring IPV investigations. Housing type is very similar across the four types of investigations where the majority of all investigations in a housing rental situation. Co-occurring maltreatment investigations were much more likely, than single form of IPV investigations, to involve a formal out-of-home placement. Authors suggest that exposure to IPV requires cross-sector collaboration and that child welfare organizations should aim to identify opportunities to preclude recurrence while supporting the family through the investigation. 

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Canadian CW research
Journal article