Development of the Prairie Child Welfare Consortium and This Book

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Brown, I., Chaze. F., Fuchs, D., Lafrance, J., McKay, S., & Thomas Prokop, S. (Eds.). Putting a Human Face on Child Welfare: Voices from the Prairie. Prairie Child Welfare Consortium / Centre of Excellence for Child Welfare.

This chapter highlights the development of the Prairie Child Welfare Consortium (PCWC), a relatively new tri-provincial and northern multi-sector network engaging university educators and researchers, government and Aboriginal administrators, policy-makers. and service delivery agents dedicated to advancing and strengthening child welfare education and training, research, policy development, practice, and service delivery in the Prairie provinces and the Northwest Territories. The Consortium is unique in Canada due to its accomplishments across organizational, geographical, political, and cultural boundaries. Partnering with the Centre of Excellence for Child Welfare and with funding from the Public Health Agency of Canada, members of the Consortium have collaborated to prepare this book. This collaboration makes it possible to tell the story of the development of the PCWC and describe a model for collaborative work among sectors integral to child, youth, and family well-being.

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Research Areas

Province / Territory
Canadian CW research
Book chapter